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Papers共 25 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Tarjinder Singh,Timothy Poterba,David Curtis,Huda Akil,Mariam Al Eissa,Jack D. Barchas,Nicholas Bass,Tim B. Bigdeli,Gerome Breen,Evelyn J. Bromet,Peter F. Buckley,William E. Bunney, Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm,William F. Byerley,Sinead B. Chapman,Wei J. Chen,Claire Churchhouse,Nicholas Craddock,Caroline M. Cusick,Lynn DeLisi,Sheila Dodge,Michael A. Escamilla,Saana Eskelinen,Ayman H. Fanous,Stephen Faraone,Alessia Fiorentino,Laurent Francioli,Stacey B. Gabriel,Diane Gage,Sarah A. Gagliano Taliun,Andrea Ganna,Giulio Genovese,David C. Glahn,Jakob Grove,Mei-Hua Hall,Eija Hamalainen,Henrike O. Heyne,Matti Holi,David M. Hougaard,Daniel P. Howrigan,Hailiang Huang,Hai-Gwo Hwu,Rene S. Kahn,Hyun Min Kang,Konrad J. Karczewski,George Kirov,James A. Knowles,Francis S. Lee,Douglas S. Lehrer,Francesco Lescai,Dolores Malaspina,Stephen R. Marder,Steven A. McCarroll,Andrew M. McIntosh,Helena Medeiros,Lili Milani,Christopher P. Morley,Derek W. Morris,Preben Bo Mortensen,Richard M. Myers,Merete Nordentoft,Niamh L. O'Brien,Ana Maria Olivares,Dost Ongur,Willem H. Ouwehand,Duncan S. Palmer,Tiina Paunio,Digby Quested,Mark H. Rapaport,Elliott Rees,Brandi Rollins,F. Kyle Satterstrom,Alan Schatzberg,Edward Scolnick,Laura J. Scott,Sally Sharp,Pamela Sklar,Jordan W. Smoller,Janet L. Sobell,Matthew Solomonson,Eli A. Stahl,Christine R. Stevens,Jaana Suvisaari,Grace Tiao,Stanley J. Watson,Nicholas A. Watts,Douglas H. Blackwood,Anders D. Borglum,Bruce M. Cohen,Aiden P. Corvin,Tonu Esko,Nelson B. Freimer,Stephen J. Glatt,Christina M. Hultman,Andrew McQuillin,Aarno Palotie,Carlos N. Pato,Michele T. Pato,Ann E. Pulver,David St Clair,Ming T. Tsuang,Marquis P. Vawter,James T. Walters,Thomas M. Werge,Roel A. Ophoff,Patrick F. Sullivan,Michael J. Owen,Michael Boehnke,Michael C. O'Donovan,Benjamin M. Neale,Mark J. Daly
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 25

#Citation: 1294

H-Index: 14

G-Index: 18

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 2

Activity: 72

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