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Research Interests

Papers共 8 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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William J Gradishar,Benjamin O Anderson,Jame Abraham,Rebecca Aft,Doreen Agnese,Kimberly H Allison,Sarah L Blair,Harold J Burstein,Chau Dang,Anthony D Elias,Sharon H Giordano,Matthew P Goetz,Lori J Goldstein,Steven J Isakoff,Jairam Krishnamurthy,Janice Lyons,P Kelly Marcom,Jennifer Matro,Ingrid A Mayer,Meena S Moran,Joanne Mortimer,Ruth M O'Regan,Sameer A Patel,Lori J Pierce,Hope S Rugo,Amy Sitapati,Karen Lisa Smith,Mary Lou Smith,Hatem Soliman,Erica M Stringer-Reasor,Melinda L Telli,John H Ward,Jessica S Young,Jennifer L Burns,Rashmi Kumar,Mary B Daly,Robert Pilarski,Matthew B Yurgelun,Michael P Berry,Saundra S Buys,Patricia Dickson,Susan M Domchek,Ahmed Elkhanany,Susan Friedman,Judy E Garber,Michael Goggins,Mollie L Hutton,Seema Khan,Catherine Klein,Wendy Kohlmann,Allison W Kurian,Christine Laronga,Jennifer K Litton,Julie S Mak,Carolyn S Menendez,Sofia D Merajver,Barbara S Norquist,Kenneth Offit,Tuya Pal,Holly J Pederson,Gwen Reiser,Kristen Mahoney Shannon,Kala Visvanathan,Jeffrey N Weitzel,Myra J Wick,Kari B Wisinski,Mary A Dwyer,Susan D Darlow,Masumi Ueda,Renato Martins,Paul C Hendrie, Terry McDonnell,Jennie R Crews,Tracy L Wong,Brittany McCreery,Barbara Jagels, Aaron Crane,David R Byrd,Steven A Pergam,Nancy E Davidson,Catherine Liu,F Marc Stewart,Alyssa A Schatz,Thomas K Oliver,Robert A Swarm,Judith A Paice,Deepika S Darbari,Deborah Dowell,Salimah H Meghani,Katy Winckworth-Prejsnar, Eduardo Bruera,Robert M Plovnick,Lisa Richardson,Neha Vapiwala,Dana Wollins,Clifford A Hudis,Robert W Carlson
Author Statistics

#Papers: 10

#Citation: 1977

H-Index: 8

G-Index: 9

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 22

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