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Papers共 80 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Yin Wu,Brooke Levis,Federico M Daray,John P A Ioannidis,Scott B Patten,Pim Cuijpers,Roy C Ziegelstein,Simon Gilbody,Felix H Fischer,Suiqiong Fan,Ying Sun,Chen He,Ankur Krishnan,Dipika Neupane,Parash Mani Bhandari,Zelalem Negeri,Kira E Riehm,Danielle B Rice,Marleine Azar,Xin Wei Yan,Mahrukh Imran,Matthew J Chiovitti,Jill T Boruff,Dean McMillan,Lorie A Kloda,Sarah Markham,Melissa Henry,Zahinoor Ismail,Carmen G Loiselle,Nicholas D Mitchell,Samir Al-Adawi,Kevin R Beck,Anna Beraldi,Charles N Bernstein,Birgitte Boye,Natalie Büel-Drabe,Adomas Bunevicius,Ceyhun Can,Gregory Carter,Chih-Ken Chen,Gary Cheung,Kerrie Clover,Ronán M Conroy,Gema Costa-Requena,Daniel Cukor,Eli Dabscheck,Jennifer De Souza,Marina Downing,Anthony Feinstein,Panagiotis P Ferentinos,Alastair J Flint,Pamela Gallagher,Milena Gandy,Luigi Grassi,Martin Härter,Asuncion Hernando,Melinda L Jackson,Josef Jenewein,Nathalie Jetté,Miguel Julião,Marie Kjærgaard,Sebastian Köhler,Hans-Helmut König,Lalit K R Krishna,Yu Lee,Margrit Löbner,Wim L Loosman,Anthony W Love,Bernd Löwe,Ulrik F Malt,Ruth Ann Marrie,Loreto Massardo,Yutaka Matsuoka,Anja Mehnert,Ioannis Michopoulos, Laurent Misery,Christian J Nelson,Chong Guan Ng,Meaghan L O'Donnell,Suzanne J O'Rourke,Ahmet Öztürk,Alexander Pabst,Julie A Pasco,Jurate Peceliuniene,Luis Pintor,Jennie L Ponsford, Federico Pulido,Terence J Quinn,Silje E Reme,Katrin Reuter,Steffi G Riedel-Heller,Alasdair G Rooney,Roberto Sánchez-González,Rebecca M Saracino,Melanie P J Schellekens,Martin Scherer,Andrea Benedetti,Brett D Thombs, Et Al
Sean McGrath,XiaoFei Zhao,Russell Steele,Brett D. Thombs,Andrea Benedetti,Brooke Levis,Kira E. Riehm,Nazanin Saadat,Alexander W. Levis,Marleine Azar,Danielle B. Rice,Ying Sun,Ankur Krishnan, Chen He,Yin Wu,Parash Mani Bhandari,Dipika Neupane,Mahrukh Imran,Jill Boruff,Pim Cuijpers,Simon Gilbody,John P. A. Ioannidis,Lorie A. Kloda,Dean McMillan,Scott B. Patten,Ian Shrier,Roy C. Ziegelstein,Dickens H. Akena,Bruce Arroll,Liat Ayalon,Hamid R. Baradaran,Murray Baron,Anna Beraldi,Charles H. Bombardier,Peter Butterworth,Gregory Carter,Marcos H. Chagas,Juliana C. N. Chan,Rushina Cholera,Neerja Chowdhary,Kerrie Clover,Yeates Conwell,Janneke M. de Man-van Ginkel,Jaime Delgadillo,Jesse R. Fann,Felix H. Fischer,Benjamin Fischler,Daniel Fung,Bizu Gelaye,Felicity Goodyear-Smith,Catherine G. Greeno,Brian J. Hall,Patricia A. Harrison,Martin Harter,Ulrich Hegerl,Leanne Hides,Stevan E. Hobfoll,Marie Hudson,Thomas Hyphantis,Masatoshi Inagaki,Khalida Ismail,Nathalie Jette,Mohammad E. Khamseh,Kim M. Kiely,Yunxin Kwan,Femke Lamers,Shen-Ing Liu,Manote Lotrakul,Sonia R. Loureiro,Bernd Loewe,Laura Marsh,Anthony McGuire,Sherina Mohd Sidik,Tiago N. Munhoz,Kumiko Muramatsu,Flavia L. Osorio,Vikram Patel,Brian W. Pence,Philippe Persoons,Angelo Picardi,Katrin Reuter,Alasdair G. Rooney,Ina S. Santos,Juwita Shaaban,Abbey Sidebottom,Adam Simning,Lesley Stafford,Sharon C. Sung,Pei Lin Lynnette Tan,Alyna Turner,Christina M. van der Feltz-Cornelis,Henk C. van Weert,Paul A. Vohringer,Jennifer White,Mary A. Whooley,Kirsty Winkley,Mitsuhiko Yamada,Yuying Zhang
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 80

#Citation: 3259

H-Index: 25

G-Index: 57

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 3

Activity: 8

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