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Kareem R. AbdelFattah,Michel B. Aboutanos, Louis A. Aliperti,John T. Anderson,Devashish J. Anjaria,Juan A. Asensio,Morad Askari,Jeffrey A. Bailey,Marcus Balters, Ron Barbosa,Philip S. Barie,Edward J. Bedrick,John D. Berne,Stepheny D. Berry,Robert Bertelotti, Pulkesh Bhatia,Walter L. Biffl,Brian Biggerstaff,John K. Bini,F. William Blaisdell,Matthew C. Bozeman,Steven B. Brandes,Karen J. Brasel,Benjamin M. Braslow,L.D. Britt,Susan I. Brundage, Thomas P. Brush,Clay Cothren Burlew, Patricia Marie Byers, Kim M. Caban,Jeremy Cannon, Shawn M. Cantie,José Ceballos Esparragon,Howard R. Champion,Benjamin Chandler, David C. Chang, Steven Cheung,William C. Chiu,A. Britton Christmas,David J. Ciesla,William G. Cioffi,Christine S. Cocanour,Mitchell J. Cohen,Raul Coimbra, Peter Collister,Edward E. Cornwell, Thomas B. Cox,Martin A. Croce,Gary H. Danton,Kimberly A. Davis,Elias Degiannis,Edwin A. Deitch, Richard Denney,Christopher J. Dente,Urmen Desai,Rochelle A. Dicker,Lawrence N. Diebel, Karev Dimitryi,Andrew R. Doben,Jay Doucet,Therese M. Duane,Joe DuBose,Wayne Dubov,Juan C. Duchesne,Stanley J. Dudrick,Rodney Durham,Anthony M. Durso,Soumitra R. Eachempati, Colonel (Ret.) Brian Eastridge, Aileen Ebadat,David T. Efron,Eric Elster,Michael Englehart,Thomas J. Esposito,Glyn Estebanez,Susan Evans,Samir M. Fakhry,Anthony Falvo,David V. Feliciano,Luis G. Fernández,Mitchell Fink,Lewis M. Flint,Donald E. Fry, Takashi Fujita,Joseph M. Galante,Richard L. Gamelli,Luis Manuel García-Núñez,Larry M. Gentilello,Ramyar Gilani,Laurent G. Glance,Nestor R. Gonzalez,Daniel J. Grabo, Gerald J. Gracia,Vincente H. Gracias,Kirby R. Gross,Ronald I. Gross,Chrissy Guidry,Oliver L. Gunter,Joseph M. Gutmann, Erin Hale,S. Morad Hameed, Molly Hartmann,Carl Hauser,Sharon Henry,Mathilda Horst,Ari Hoschander,Herman P. Houin,David Hoyt,Jared M. Huston,Kyros Ipaktchi,D’Andrea Joseph,Gregory J. Jurkovich, Steven Kalandiak,Riyad Karmy-Jones,Larry T. Khoo, Laszlo Kiraly,Orlando C. Kirton, Michael Ksycki,Anastasia Kunac,Kulsoom Laeeq,Anna M. Ledgerwood,Benjamin T. Lemelman,Ari Leppäniemi,David H. Livingston, Jason Loden,Gary Lombardo, Andrew Loukas,Charles E. Lucas,Fred A. Luchette,Charles D. Mabry,Robert C. Mackersie,Paul M. Maggio,Louis J. Magnotti, John W. Mah,Ajai K. Malhotra,Darren Malinoski, Brittney J. Maloley-Lewis,Corrado Paolo Marini, Colonel Matthew J. Martin,Leonard Mason,Kenneth L. Mattox,Kimball Maull,John C. Mayberry,Federico N. Mazzini,Christopher McFarren,Norman E. McSwain,Mario A. Meallet,J. Wayne Meredith,Christopher P. Michetti,Keith R. Miller,Preston R. Miller,Richard S. Miller,Joseph P. Minei,Haaris Mir, Frank L. Mitchell,Alicia M. Mohr, Ernest E. Moore,Anne C. Mosenthal, Felipa Munera,Alan D. Murdock,Mamoun Nabri,Lena M. Napolitano,Nicholas A. Nash,Scott H. Norwood,John Oeltjen,Chris Okwuosa,Turner M. Osler,Angela Osmolak,Yasuhiro Otomo, Patrick Owens,John T. Owings,H. Leon Pachter,David Palange, Zubin Jal Panthaki,Manish S. Parikh,Michael D. Pasquale,Andrew B. Peitzman, Alejandro Perez-Alonso, Christopher H. Perkins, Austin Person,Patrizio Petrone,K. Shad Pharaon,Allan S. Philp, Edgar J. Pierre,Greta L. Piper,Frank Plani,Patricio Polanco,Anthony Policastro, Nathan J. Powell,Riaan Pretorius,Brandon Propper,G. Daniel Pust, Bradley S. Putty,Juan Carlos Puyana, Stephen M. Quinnan, David J. Quintana,R. Lawrence Reed, Bibiana J. Reiser,Peter Rhee, Michael Rhodes,Norman M. Rich, J. David Richardson,Charles M. Richart,Luis A. Rivas,Jennifer C. Roberts,Aurelio Rodríguez,Jorge L. Rodríguez, Erwin Rodriguez-García, Rosaine Roeder, David Rojas-Tirado,Michael F. Rotondo,Susan Rowell,Jerry A. Rubano,Andrés M. Rubiano,Amy Rushing, Irony C. Sade, Christopher Salgado,Ali Salim, Noelle Salliant, Jason Salsamendi,James B. Sampson, Juan A. Sanchez, William Sánchez Maldonado,Thomas M. Scalea,William P. Schecter,Paul Schipper,Martin Schreiber,John T. Schulz,C. William Schwab, Stephen Serio, Parth Shah,Marc J. Shapiro,David Shatz,Shreya Shetty,Adam M. Shiroff,Ziad C. Sifri,Ronald Sing,Amy C. Sisley,R. Stephen Smith,Eduardo Smith-Singares,David A. Spain,Nicholas Spoerke, Ananth Srinivasan,Deborah M. Stein, Joseph J. Stirparo,Lance E. Stuke,Mithran Sukumar,Abhishek Sundaram, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Kenneth G. Swan,Vartan S. Tashjian, Thomas Templin, Erwin Thal, Seth R. Thaller,Gregory Tiesi,Brandon Tieu,Areti Tillou,Glen Tinkoff,Samuel Tisherman,S. Rob Todd,Zachary Torgersen,Peter G. Trafton, Mark Traynham,L.R. Tres Scherer,Donald D. Trunkey,Peter I. Tsai, David W. Tuggle, Anthony M. Udekwu,Alex B. Valadka, Nicole VanDerHeyden, Thomas K. Varghese,Michel Wagner,Matthew J. Wall,Anthony Watkins,John Weigelt,Leonard J. Weireter,David R. Welling,Paul W. White,Lucas R. Wiegand,Harry E. Wilkins, Robert F. Wilson,David H. Wisner,D. Dante Yeh
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 106

#Citation: 3879

H-Index: 29

G-Index: 62

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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