The SDR facility was established in 1969 to provide the international monetary system with a source of liquidity which is independent of the unregulated outcome of the US balance of payments, current gold production and the activities of speculators. The scheme has provided parti...
The paper describes measurements of mean velocities and Reynolds stresses in recirculating flows associated with the flow past a number of simple bluff bodies. The principal instrument used was the pulsed-wire anemometer.
Palgrave Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutionspp.9-46, (2023)
We consider the impact of tournament incentives on firm performance. To proxy high-powered tournament incentives, we construct a CEO pay gap as the difference in pay between the highest-earning executive and other officers. Our robust empirical evidence unambiguously demonstrates...
Abstract This chapter develops the concept of the ‘crystal-song’ which crystallises turning points in a film. It does not illustrate or echo what we see; rather, it articulates a privileged musical moment of intense affect, ‘wounding’ the image/music nexus as does Barthes’s punct...
the Internet has become an important part of day to day activities. There is hardly a day without using Internet, such as reading Emails and articles as well as enjoying music and video. Thus, it is very important for the Internet to be provided to anyone anywhere. Terrestrial ne...
A review of the characteristics of the turbulence structure of nominally two-dimensional separated flows is presented. Attention is restricted to incompressible flows since, although many supersonic separated flows have been studied, detailed turbulence measurements are only avai...
Evolutionary and Developmental Robotics have matured in parallel over the years with few interactions between them. Both fields are concerned with the automatic design of artificial creatures behavior and/or morphology, may they be virtual or real. Many progresses have been made ...
The purpose of this final chapter is to draw together the conclusions and insights presented in each of the chapters throughout the book, to summarize and categorize concisely the findings, and to offer views about the next steps in the field of education marketing. The chapter i...