Supplementary Table S1 from Low-Dose Ionizing Γ-Radiation Elicits the Extrusion of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
Alvaro Teijeira,Saray Garasa,Maria C. Ochoa,Sandra Sanchez-Gregorio,Gabriel Gomis,Carlos Luri-Rey,Rafael Martinez-Monge,Beatrice Pinci,Karmele Valencia,Belen Palencia,Benigno Barbés,Elixabet Bolaños,Arantza Azpilikueta,Marina García-Cardosa,Javier Burguete,Iñaki Eguren-Santamaría,Eneko Garate-Soraluze, Pedro Berraondo,Jose L. Perez-Gracia,Carlos E. de Andrea,Maria E. Rodriguez-Ruiz,Ignacio Melero crossref(2024)
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