Integrated Psychosocial Care in Intensive Care (Ips-Pilot): Study Protocol of Phase A of the Systematic Development and Pilot Testing of a Complex Intervention (Preprint) Sophie Felicitas Nickel, Simone Korger, Wencke Schindler,Heike Heytens,Gironimo Krieg,Karl-Philipp Drewitz, Katrin Schürmann, Leon Schössow, Julianna Gehrig,Marius Binneböse,Christian Hirning,Klaus Hönig, Konstantin Niessen, Julia Kirschbaum,Laurence Erdur, Sophie Peter, Florian Junne, Matthias Rose, Christian Apfelbacher, Harald Gündelcrossref(2024)引用 0|浏览0暂无评分AI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要