
School-level intra-cluster correlation coefficients and autocorrelations for children’s accelerometer-measured physical activity in England by age and gender

Ruth Salway,Russell Jago, Frank de Vocht,Danielle House,Alice Porter, Robert Walker, Ruth Kipping,Christopher G. Owen,Mohammed T. Hudda,Kate Northstone, Esther van Sluijs

BMC Medical Research Methodology(2024)

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Randomised, cluster-based study designs in schools are commonly used to evaluate children’s physical activity interventions. Sample size estimation relies on accurate estimation of the intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC), but published estimates, especially using accelerometry-measured physical activity, are few and vary depending on physical activity outcome and participant age. Less commonly-used cluster-based designs, such as stepped wedge designs, also need to account for correlations over time, e.g. cluster autocorrelation (CAC) and individual autocorrelation (IAC), but no estimates are currently available. This paper estimates the school-level ICC, CAC and IAC for England children’s accelerometer-measured physical activity outcomes by age group and gender, to inform the design of future school-based cluster trials. Data were pooled from seven large English datasets of accelerometer-measured physical activity data between 2002–18 (> 13,500 pupils, 540 primary and secondary schools). Linear mixed effect models estimated ICCs for weekday and whole week for minutes spent in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and being sedentary for different age groups, stratified by gender. The CAC (1,252 schools) and IAC (34,923 pupils) were estimated by length of follow-up from pooled longitudinal data. School-level ICCs for weekday MVPA were higher in primary schools (from 0.07 (95
Physical activity,Children,Adolescents,Schools,Intra-cluster correlation coefficient,Cluster autocorrelation,Cluster randomised trial,Sample size,ICAD
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