
The effect of acute respiratory demand on postural control: A systematic review

Gait & Posture(2024)

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Background Postural control can be challenged by breathing. Research question What is the effect of an acute increase in respiratory demand on postural control compared to quiet breathing? Methods A systematic review was conducted. Electronic databases were systematically searched until October 18, 2022 on studies reporting changes in center of pressure (CoP) motion related to an acute manipulation of respiratory demand compared to quiet breathing during upright standing in healthy participants and/or participants with a clinical condition. Results Twenty-one studies in healthy participants showed that voluntary (not metabolic-induced) hyperventilation or inspiratory resistive loading significantly increased CoP motion, while breath-holding decreased CoP motion, compared to quiet breathing (p< 0.05). Manipulating respiratory rate or breathing patterns did not reveal consistent results. Four studies showed that people with low back pain showed similar CoP responses to increasing respiratory demand (p> 0.05), except for breathing at different rates, whereas they showed greater CoP motion during quiet breathing. Significance The extent of postural disturbance depended on the breathing mode and how it was quantified (i.e., CoP coupled with breathing movement or overall CoP measures). Voluntary hyperventilation and inspiratory resistive loading increased postural sway. For voluntary hyperventilation, this could be explained by CoP motion being directly coupled to chest wall movements whereas metabolic-induced hyperventilation did not increase CoP motion or CoP coupling with breathing. Breath-holding decreased postural sway. Patients with low back pain show greater postural sways than pain-free individuals during quiet breathing, although they exhibit similar postural adaptations to respiratory-related challenges as controls.
Breathing,Postural balance,Respiration,Low back pain,Center of pressure,Hyperventilation
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