
Sustainable Construction Practices with Recycled and Waste Materials for a Circular Economy

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering(2024)

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The need to promote sustainability and reduce environmental effects has fueled a substantial increase in the use of recycled and waste materials in construction applications in recent years. Concerns about harmful environmental threats are heightened when output increases and waste generation rises. An economically viable solution to this problem could be found by using waste materials to create new products, which would reduce the burden on landfills. This analysis clarifies the wide range of waste products that can be used in buildings, including recycled concrete aggregates, fly ash, slag, waste glass, plastics, rubber, construction and demolition (C D) wastes, and reclaimed wood. These materials can partially or completely replace natural resources like sand, cement, and gravel. As a result, there will be advantages like improved resource efficiency, decreased greenhouse gas emissions, decreased solid waste, and reduced air and water pollution. These advantages will ultimately translate to energy and cost savings. The consistency and quality of recycled and waste materials for use in construction remain a top priority. Additionally, the circular economy concept, which is closely related to the use of waste or recycled resources in construction, emphasizes the significance of waste reduction and material reuse as opposed to adhering to the linear "take, make, and dispose" model. By switching out traditional materials for recycled or discarded ones, the construction industry may take advantage of the circular economy by reducing the need for new resources and cutting down on waste production. Using recycled or waste materials in buildings is an effective way to create a more sustainable and circular economy.
Waste Materials,Sustainability,Circular Economy,Construction and Demolition Wastes (C&D Wastes),Environmental Impacts
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