
Visulization of Peroxynitrite Variation for Accurate Diagnosis and Assessing Treatment Response of Hepatic Fibrosis Using a Golgi-targetable Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe

Tianao Zhang,Zhipeng Li,Meichun Qin, Junhuan Zhang,Yong Sun,Chaolong Liu

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology B, Biology(2024)

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Hepatic fibrosis (HF) is caused by persistent inflammation, which is closely associated with hepatic oxidative stress. Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is significantly elevated in HF, which would be regarded as a potential biomarker for the diagnosis of HF. Research has shown that ONOO- in the Golgi apparatus can be overproduced in HF, and it can induce hepatocyte injury by triggering Golgi oxidative stress. Meanwhile, the ONOO- inhibitors could effectively relieve HF by inhibiting Golgi ONOO-, but as yet, no Golgi-targetable fluorescent probe available for diagnosis and assessing treatment response of HF through sensing Golgi ONOO-. To this end, we reported a ratiometric fluorescent probe, Golgi-PER, for diagnosis and assessing treatment response of HF through monitoring the Golgi ONOO-. Golgi-PER displayed satisfactory sensitivity, low detection limit, and exceptional selectivity to ONOO-. Combined with excellent biocompatibility and good Golgi-targeting ability, Golgi-PER was further used for ratiometric monitoring the Golgi ONOO- fluctuations and screening of ONOO- inhibitors from polyphenols in living cells. Meanwhile, using Golgi-PER as a probe, the overexpression of Golgi ONOO- in HF and the treatment response of HF to the screened rosmarinic acid were precisely visualized for the first time. Furthermore, the screened RosA has a remarkable therapeutic effect on HF, which may be a new strategy for HF treatment. These results demonstrated the practicability of Golgi-PER for monitoring the occurrence, development, and personalized treatment response of HF.
Hepatic fibrosis,Peroxynitrite,Golgi-targetable probe,Ratiometric imaging,Peroxynitrite inhibitor screening
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