
Prevalence and outcomes of fear of falling in older adults with falls at the emergency department: a multicentric observational study

Ana García-Martínez, Sergio García-Rosa,Adriana Gil-Rodrigo,Victoria Torres Machado, Carmen Pérez-Fonseca,Christian H. Nickel, Lourdes Artajona,Javier Jacob,Pere Llorens,Pablo Herrero, Naila Canadell, Carolina Rangel,Francisco Javier Martín-Sánchez, Monserrat Lázaro del Nogal,Òscar Miró

European Geriatric Medicine(2024)

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Fear of falling is common in older adults after a fall but associated factors and prognostic significance in long-term outcomes is uncertain. Older age, female sex, living alone, previous falls, sedative medications, urinary incontinence, and intrinsic cause of the fall were associated with FOF whereas using walking aids and living in residential care were inversely associated. FOF was associated with long-term all-cause mortality, fall-related hospitalisation, and admission to residential care, but significance was lost after adjustment for covariates. In older patients, the presence of FOF after a fall-related visit to the ED appears to be a marker of poor long-term outcomes, although it does not have relevant prognostic significance by itself. Fear of falling (FOF) may result in activity restriction and deconditioning. The aim of the study was to identify factors associated with FOF in older patients and to investigate if FOF influenced long-term outcomes. Multicentric, observational, prospective study including patients 65 years or older attending the emergency department (ED) after a fall. Demographical, patient- and fall-related features were recorded at the ED. FOF was assessed using a single question. The primary outcome was all-cause death. Secondary outcomes included new fall-related visit, fall-related hospitalisation, and admission to residential care. Logistic regression and Cox regression models were used for statistical analyses. Overall, 1464 patients were included (47.1
Concerns about falling,Older fallers,Emergency care
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