Preliminary study: the future insight of relationship between nutrigenomic risk and sepsis

Anna Surgean Veterini,Bambang Pujo Semedi,Prananda Surya Airlangga, Purwo Sri Rejeki, Khildan Miftahul Firdaus, Airi Mutiar,Annis Catur Adi, Rauzan Sumara, Rizky Fajar Meirawan


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Introduction: In field observations, we frequently encountered cases of sepsis at a young age and rarely in older individuals. Most cases are caused by a bacterial infection, which causes pneumonia that progresses to septic shock. There are several possible causes of infection and subsequent septic shock. Among these, certain genetic code abnormalities cause disturbances in nutrient metabolism, which facilitates the emergence of infections. This study aimed to explore the nutrigenomic patterns in patients with septic shock. Methods: Nutrigenomic examination was performed at the General Academic Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia, to determine the micronutrient genotype risk in patients with septic shock. We compared cases of septic shock with control groups containing normal subjects to identify a unique pattern in the nutrigenomic results between these two groups. DNA testing was in collaboration with Nutrigenme, using saliva and buccal swabs. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test and all statistical analyses were performed using the R statistics software. Results: The results of the saliva testing demonstrated that there was an endurance ultra-risk category (PGC1a, rs8192678; genotype GG) in the control group; however, this category was not observed in the case group. In addition, the genomic risk of vitamin C was elevated in the septic shock group (Group A) but was typical in the control group (Group B). Conclusion: We observed a deletion in GSTT1 rs2266633 in the sepsis group, which may play a role in the development of sepsis. Furthermore, we discovered that the control group exhibited an ultra-type risk for endurance, suggesting that the ability to extract oxygen and frequent exercise may play a role in limiting disease development.
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Key words
Nutrigenomic,septic shock,vitamin C,genotype risk
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