Native N-glycome profiling of single cells and ng-level blood isolates using label-free capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry.

Nature communications(2024)

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The development of reliable single-cell dispensers and substantial sensitivity improvement in mass spectrometry made proteomic profiling of individual cells achievable. Yet, there are no established methods for single-cell glycome analysis due to the inability to amplify glycans and sample losses associated with sample processing and glycan labeling. In this work, we present an integrated platform coupling online in-capillary sample processing with high-sensitivity label-free capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for N-glycan profiling of single mammalian cells. Direct and unbiased quantitative characterization of single-cell surface N-glycomes are demonstrated for HeLa and U87 cells, with the detection of up to 100 N-glycans per single cell. Interestingly, N-glycome alterations are unequivocally detected at the single-cell level in HeLa and U87 cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide. The developed workflow is also applied to the profiling of ng-level amounts (5-500 ng) of blood-derived protein, extracellular vesicle, and total plasma isolates, resulting in over 170, 220, and 370 quantitated N-glycans, respectively.
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