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O B Adeniji,J H Tsado, M Tologbonse


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 This study examined economic analysis of small scale fish farmers in Niger state, the objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of small scale fish farmers, the input–output relationship, the profitability as well as to identify constraints faced by fish farmers. A total of 60 respondents were purposely selected from three local government areas, from two agricultural zones namely zone I and II. Structured questionnaire was administered in line with the objectives of the study. Data collected were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple regression analysis. Four functional forms were tried but the double log function was chosen as the lead equation. The profitability was determined using gross margin and net farm income analysis. The gross margin and net farm income were N129, 564.37 and N 126, 574.24 per stocking period (6 month) respectively. The result of the regression analysis reveals that pond size, fingerlings, capital input cost and farm size were statistically significant in determining efficiency of resource used while feed cost and labour were not significant, pond size, labour and capital input cost were underutilised. There was an over utilization of fingerlings, feed cost and farm size since the allocative efficiency is less than unity, farmers income can be enhanced if they decrease the use of these resources.This study examined economic analysis of small scale fish farmers in Niger state, the objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of small scale fish farmers, the input–output relationship, the profitability as well as to identify constraints faced by fish farmers. A total of 60 respondents were purposely selected from three local government areas, from two agricultural zones namely zone I and II. Structured questionnaire was administered in line with the objectives of the study. Data collected were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple regression analysis. Four functional forms were tried but the double log function was chosen as the lead equation. The profitability was determined using gross margin and net farm income analysis. The gross margin and net farm income were N129, 564.37 and N 126, 574.24 per stocking period (6 month) respectively. The result of the regression analysis reveals that pond size, fingerlings, capital input cost and farm size were statistically significant in determining efficiency of resource used while feed cost and labour were not significant, pond size, labour and capital input cost were underutilised. There was an over utilization of fingerlings, feed cost and farm size since the allocative efficiency is less than unity, farmers income can be enhanced if they decrease the use of these resources. Keywords: economics, small scale, fish farming, Niger state
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