The Sample Complexity of Simple Binary Hypothesis Testing
The sample complexity of simple binary hypothesis testing is the smallest
number of i.i.d. samples required to distinguish between two distributions p
and q in either: (i) the prior-free setting, with type-I error at most
α and type-II error at most β; or (ii) the Bayesian setting, with
Bayes error at most δ and prior distribution (α, 1-α). This
problem has only been studied when α = β (prior-free) or α =
1/2 (Bayesian), and the sample complexity is known to be characterized by the
Hellinger divergence between p and q, up to multiplicative constants. In
this paper, we derive a formula that characterizes the sample complexity (up to
multiplicative constants that are independent of p, q, and all error
parameters) for: (i) all 0 ≤α, β≤ 1/8 in the prior-free
setting; and (ii) all δ≤α/4 in the Bayesian setting. In
particular, the formula admits equivalent expressions in terms of certain
divergences from the Jensen–Shannon and Hellinger families. The main technical
result concerns an f-divergence inequality between members of the
Jensen–Shannon and Hellinger families, which is proved by a combination of
information-theoretic tools and case-by-case analyses. We explore applications
of our results to robust and distributed (locally-private and
communication-constrained) hypothesis testing.
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