
High-Throughput Methods for the Discovery of Small Molecule Modulators of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Function and Regeneration

Assay and drug development technologies(2024)

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The progression of type II diabetes (T2D) is characterized by a complex and highly variable loss of beta-cell mass, resulting in impaired insulin secretion. Many T2D drug discovery efforts aimed at discovering molecules that can protect or restore beta-cell mass and function have been developed using limited beta-cell lines and primary rodent/human pancreatic islets. Various high-throughput screening methods have been used in the context of drug discovery, including luciferase-based reporter assays, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and high-content screening. In this context, a cornerstone of small molecule discovery has been the use of immortalized rodent beta-cell lines. Although insightful, this usage has led to a more comprehensive understanding of rodent beta-cell proliferation pathways rather than their human counterparts. Advantages gained in enhanced physiological relevance are offered by three-dimensional (3D) primary islets and pseudoislets in contrast to monolayer cultures, but these approaches have been limited to use in low-throughput experiments. Emerging methods, such as high-throughput 3D islet imaging coupled with machine learning, aim to increase the feasibility of integrating 3D microtissue structures into high-throughput screening. This review explores the current methods used in high-throughput screening for small molecule modulators of beta-cell mass and function, a potentially pivotal strategy for diabetes drug discovery.
high-throughput screening,kwddiabetes,pancreatic beta cells,high-content screening,assay technology
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