Dual disintegration of microalgae biomass for cost-effective biomethane production: Energy and cost assessment

Yukesh Kannah Ravi,S. Kavitha, Siham Y. Al-Qaradawi, J. Rajesh Banu


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The present study aims to enhance the biomethane production potential of microalgae via a dual disintegration process. During this process, the microalgae biomass was firstly subjected to cell wall weakening by thermochemical disintegration (TC) (50 to 80 degrees C), pH adjustment with alkali, NaOH (6 to 10) and time (0 to 10 min) and, secondly, by bacterial disintegration (BD). TC-BD disintegration was comparatively higher (33 %) than BD (24 %), TC (8.5 %), and control (7 %). A more significant VFA accumulation of 2816 mg/L was recorded for TCBD. Similarly, a greater substrate anaerobic biodegradability was achieved in TC-BD (0.32 g COD /g COD) than BD (0.21 g COD /g COD), TC alone (0.09 gCOD/g COD) and control (0.08 g COD /g COD), respectively. The TCBD achieves a positive net profit and an energy ratio of + 0.12 GJ/d and 1.03. The proposed dual disintegration has a promising future for commercialization.
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Key words
Thermochemical,Bacterial pretreatment,Microalgae,Biomass lysis rate,Anaerobic biodegradability
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