
Careex - an AI Assisted Career Guidance and Eligibility Prediction System

2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS)(2023)

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The education sector will be seeing a vast change in the way it functions in this digital world. As we shut our doors to the outside, many options and other alternatives have opened right inside our house. There will be two types of people choosing their career. 1. Individuals are stuck as ‘What next’. Since the lack of guidance and not wanting to study what your parents or relatives want us to, has sucked us all many times. 2. There are some individuals who want to enter a particular university, but don't know how to pursue it. In order to solve these two problems, a single platform should be available which will provide a perfect career guidance for the student community. The is to figure out how to choose, identify, and explore their interests while also getting help selecting potential career choices and skill-building alternatives. Successful individuals in their field of interest will provide them with exciting advice in direct interaction with them. CareEx is an AI/ML-based help system that offers a Career dendrogram with many alternatives, including the real workforce requirements, broken down by category, for the public and private sectors. Our solution's primary purpose is to set professional objectives for users and estimate their likelihood of enrolling in the schools and institutions of their choice. With this guidance, many individuals will be able to see the future options that are open to them in the current situation as well as learn more about themselves, their strengths, and the ideal career path for them.
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