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Bead-based microfluidic platforms for multiplex and ultrasensitive immunoassays in clinical diagnosis and treatment

Xiaoxia Fang, Yiwen Yang, Heni Wang,Hong Xu

Mechanobiology in Medicine(2024)

Cited 0|Views7
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Multiplex ultrasensitive detection of low abundance proteins remains a significant challenge in clinical applications, necessitating the development of innovative solutions. The integration of bead-based microfluidic chip platforms with their efficient target capture and separation capabilities, along with the advantages of miniaturization and low reagent consumption, holds great promise for building an integrated point-of-care testing (POCT) system that enables seamless sample input-result output. This review presents a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in bead-based microfluidic platforms for multiplex and ultrasensitive immunoassays, along with their potential applications in clinical diagnosis and treatment, which is organized into four sections: encoding techniques, the role of microfluidic platforms, applications, and future prospects.
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microfluidic,beads-based immunoassays,multiplex,ultrasensitive,clinical application
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