
Dual Vision Transformer-DSUNET with Feature Fusion for Brain Tumor Segmentation


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Brain tumors are one of the leading causes of cancer death; screening early is the best strategy to diagnose and treat brain tumors. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is extensively utilized for brain tumor diagnosis; nevertheless, achieving improved accuracy and performance, a critical challenge in most of the previously reported automated medical diagnostics, is a complex problem. The study introduces the Dual Vision Transformer-DSUNET model, which incorporates feature fusion techniques to provide precise and efficient differentiation between brain tumors and other brain regions by leveraging multi-modal MRI data. The impetus for this study arises from the necessity of automating the segmentation process of brain tumors in medical imaging, a critical component in the realms of diagnosis and therapy strategy. The BRATS 2020 dataset is employed to tackle this issue, an extensively utilized dataset for segmenting brain tumors. This dataset encompasses multi-modal MRI images, including T1-weighted, T2-weighted, T1Gd (contrast-enhanced), and FLAIR modalities. The proposed model incorporates the dual vision idea to comprehensively capture the heterogeneous properties of brain tumors across several imaging modalities. Moreover, feature fusion techniques are implemented to augment the amalgamation of data originating from several modalities, enhancing the accuracy and dependability of tumor segmentation. The Dual Vision Transformer-DSUNET model's performance is evaluated using the Dice Coefficient as a prevalent metric for quantifying segmentation accuracy. The results obtained from the experiment exhibit remarkable performance, with Dice Coefficient values of 91.47% for enhanced tumors, 92.38% for core tumors, and 90.88% for edema. The cumulative Dice score for the entirety of the classes is 91.29%. In addition, the model has a high level of accuracy, roughly 99.93%, which underscores its durability and efficacy in segmenting brain tumors. Experimental findings demonstrate the integrity of the suggested architecture, which has quickly improved the detection accuracy of many brain diseases.
Dual Vision Transformer,Feature Fusion,Brats Dataset,Brain Tumor Segmentation,Dice Coefficient
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