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Game Design Inspired by Quantum Physics: A Case Study on The Quantum Photo Booth

Sunanda Prabhu Gaunkar, Denise Fischer, Filip Rozpędek, Umang Bhatia, Shobhit Verma, Ahit Kaan Tarhan,Uri Zvi,Nancy Kawalek


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In this paper, we explain the conceptual development of the STAGE Lab Quantum Casino (a.k.a. the STAGE Lab Quantum Arcade), one of the Lab's most recent artistic endeavors about quantum physics. This work consists of a series of card and digital games and an interactive experience, exposing the public to quantum physics and minimizing learning barriers. Furthermore, we will also present a case study of the interactive experience, in the form of The Quantum Photo Booth. The STAGE Lab Quantum Casino provides an entertaining and approachable experience for people of all ages to become familiar with quantum physics. By using core concepts of quantum physics as tools and strategies to overcome challenges that arise in gameplay, players gain an intuitive understanding of these concepts. These games provide players with a first-hand experience of the following quantum physics concepts: measurement, superposition, encryption, decoherence, and entanglement. Instead of teaching the concepts through a traditional classroom pedagogy, these games aim to invoke curiosity, spark moments of playfulness, and catalyze play-centric learning modalities. This paper provides a general overview of the development of the STAGE Lab Quantum Casino, focusing on The Quantum Photo Booth experience and how science is integrated into the very nature of the game development process in addition to its outcome.
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