
Continuous infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics in pediatric intensive care unit: A monocenter before/after implementation study

Anaesthesia, critical care & pain medicine(2024)

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Context: Beta-lactam continuous infusion (CI) is currently recommended in adult intensive care units to achieve target concentrations. In pediatric intensive care (PICU), few studies suggest the value of Betalactam CI to achieve target concentration. Our objective was to analyze the impact of Beta-lactam CI protocolization on the achievement of target concentration in PICU patients. Material and methods: We conducted a single -center retrospective study in patients with beta-lactam treatment for more than 2 days and at least one sample for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). From January 2018 to February 2022 (period 1, P1), BL were administered as an intermittent infusion with TDM upon request. From February to September 2022 (period 2, P2), Beta-lactam CI with TDM at day one was protocolized. The primary endpoint concerned achieving fT>4x Minimum Inhibitory Concentration = 100%. Results: In P1, 214 assays involved 103 patients; in P2, 199 assays involved 72 patients. Target concentration achievement was more frequent in P2 (P2 = 73.7% vs. P1 = 29.1%; p < 0.001). At day 5/6 after Beta-lactam initiation, c-reactive protein concentrations were P1 = 84.9 +/- 79.2 mg/L; P2 = 53.7 +/- 49.8 mg/L (p < 0.05). In the multivariable logistic regression model: P2, BSA, and albumin were positively associated with target achievement; urea, and male sex were negatively associated with target achievement. The daily average cost of beta-lactam vial consumption per child was: P1 = 5.04 +/- 2.6 euro vs. P2 = 3.21 +/- 2.7 euro (p-value < 0.001). The daily average reconstitution time of Beta-lactam syringes per child was: P1 = 23.5 +/- 8.7 min, P2 = 13.9 +/- 9.2 min (p-value < 0.001). Conclusion: Protocolization of Beta-lactam continuous infusion was associated with more frequent target concentration achievements in PICU. This implementation could be cost-effective and nurse timesaving. g.(C) 2024Socie te franc aised'anesthe sieetdere animation(Sfar).Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved
Beta-lactam,Pediatric intensive care unit,Continuous infusion,Therapeutic drug monitoring,Cost,Pharmacokinetics covariates
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