
Re-exploring the Relationships of Humor Styles with Dark Triad and Self-Esteem Using Structural Equation Modelling

Personality and Individual Differences(2024)

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Previous relationships between Dark Triad and Humor styles are theoretically difficult to interpret since Dark Triad traits present general and specific sources of variance. In the present study, we used structural equation modelling techniques to allow us to separate the two sources and detect which source of variance of Dark Triad plays the main role in the relationship observed with Humor styles. Similarly, it was tested if relationships among measures of Self-esteem and Humor styles are replicated at structural level. Moreover, the vast majority of previous studies have been conducted with university samples, which represents a limitation. Hence, a series of bi-factor models to test the relationship between Dark Triad and Humor styles and structural models for Self-esteem and Humor styles were fitted on a community sample of 987 Spanish people. Results suggest that the common variance of the Dark Triad traits was mainly responsible for the reported relationships with Humor styles. It is noteworthy that relations reported for Aggressive and Self-defeating humor styles were higher than those observed in previous studies. Similarly, a higher correlation between Self-esteem and Self-defeating was observed at the structural level. Futures studies are suggested to better establish the psychological reasons behind these relationships.
Humor styles,Dark Triad,Self-esteem,Bi-factor models,HSQ,Dirty Dozen,RSES
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