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Does TNF-α 308 G/A (rs1800629) Gene Polymorphism Associate with Liver and Pancreas Disorders in Iraqi Adults with Beta Thalassemia Major?

Hawraa Allawi Luaibi,Bushra Jasim Mohammed

Human antibodies(2023)

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BACKGROUND:TNF-α has been considered as the key regulator of inflammatory responses and is known to be participated in the pathogenesis of several diseases.OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study was to explore the relationship of (rs1800629) gene polymorphism associated to liver and pancreas disorders in sample of β-thalassemia major adult Iraqi Patients.MATERIAL AND METHOD:Blood samples were obtained from 40 patients suffered from beta thalassemia with pancreas disorder, along with 40 patient suffered from thalassemia with liver disorder, and 40 patient suffered from thalassemia without pancreas or liver, from Ibn Al-Baladi Hospital, Baghdad, and 40 samples from age and gender-matched apparently healthy individuals as control group, all subjects with age more than 18 years. TNF-308G/A (rs1800629) gene polymorphisms were assessed by Tetra- ARMS-PCR.RESULTS:The result of showed that heterogeneous GA and homogeneous AA genotypes were higher, while GG wild genotype was lower in beta thalassemia major patients with liver and pancreas disorders compared to control group.CONCLUSION:It can be concluded that the prevalence of TNF-α 308 G/A SNP plus (A) allele could be associated with risk of liver and pancreas disorders in sample of beta thalassemia major adult.
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