
Unlocking the Hidden Threat: Impacts of Surface Defects on the Efficacy of Sanitizers Against Listeria Monocytogenes Biofilms on Food-contact Surfaces in Tree Fruit Packing Facilities.

Journal of food protection(2024)

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Food-contact surfaces showing signs of wear pose a substantial risk of Listeria monocytogenes contamination and may serve as persistent sources of cross-contamination in fresh produce packinghouses. This study offers a comprehensive exploration into the influence of surface defects on the efficacies of commonly used sanitizers against L. monocytogenes biofilms on major food-contact surfaces. The 7-day-old L. monocytogenes biofilms were cultivated on food-contact surfaces, including stainless steel, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, low-density polyethylene, and rubber, with and without defects and organic matter. Biofilms on those surfaces were subjected to treatments of 200 ppm chlorine, 400 ppm quaternary ammonium compound (QAC), or 160 ppm peroxyacetic acid (PAA). Results showed that surface defects significantly (P < 0.05) increased the population of L. monocytogenes in biofilms on non-stainless steel surfaces and compromised the efficacies of sanitizers against L. monocytogenes biofilms across various surface types. A 5-min treatment of 200 ppm chlorine caused 1.84-3.39 log(10) CFU/coupon reductions of L. monocytogenes on worn surfaces, compared to 2.79-3.93 log(10) CFU/coupon reduction observed on new surfaces. Similarly, a 5-min treatment with 400 ppm QAC caused 2.05-2.88 log(10) CFU/coupon reductions on worn surfaces, compared to 2.51-3.66 log(10) CFU/coupon reductions on new surfaces. Interestingly, PAA sanitization (160 ppm, 1 min) exhibited less susceptibility to surface defects, leading to 3.41-4.35 log(10) CFU/coupon reductions on worn surfaces, in contrast to 3.68-4.64 log(10) CFU/coupon reductions on new surfaces. Furthermore, apple juice soiling diminished the efficacy of sanitizers against L. monocytogenes biofilms on worn surfaces (P < 0.05). These findings underscore the critical importance of diligent equipment maintenance and thorough cleaning processes to effectively eliminate L. monocytogenes contamination on food-contact surfaces.
Biofilm,Food contact surfaces,L. monocytogenes,Sanitizers,Surface defects
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