Tree-level fuel connectivity to assess crown wildfire potential by uas-based photogrammetry

Monica Herrero-Huerta, David Sanchez-Jimenez, Ana del Campo-Sanchez, David Cifuentes-Jimenez, Laura Piedelobo-Martin, Paula de Andres-Anaya, Enrique Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Roy Yali Samaniego, Susana del Pozo,David Hernandez-Lopez, Susana Laguela,Diego Gonzalez-Aguilera

GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1(2023)

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Evaluating the potential for crown fires remains a pivotal concern in wildfire management because it affects fire behavior, causing them to spread further. In this work, we propose a methodology to assess crown fire potential based on the tree connectivity at crown level from UAS ( Unmanned Aircraft Systems)-based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry. The approach is usable in a large landscape with the aim of reducing crown fire potential by considering the spatial variability of fuels within a stand. The utilization of UAS for photogrammetry holds immense promise in transforming the approach to assessing and managing forest fires. This cuttingedge technology offers the potential to deliver highly precise and comprehensive data concerning forest structure and connectivity, thereby presenting a groundbreaking opportunity for enhanced forest fire analysis and control.
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Connectivity,Crown Fire,UAS (unmanned aerial system),Point cloud,Crown Architecture,Connected Components Algorithm
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