
Kimya Ve Fen Bilimleri Öğretmenlerinin Alternatif Ölçme Ve Değerlendirmeye Ilişkin Öz Yeterliliklerinin Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi

Melda Özdemir,Canan Nakıboğlu

Journal of the turkish chemical society section c chemical education(2023)

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When the explanations of the 2018 Secondary Education Chemistry and Science Curricula concerning the assessment and evaluation approach are examined, it is seen that the emphasis is on acting with the understanding of maximum diversity and flexibility in the assessment and evaluation process in both curricula. It is stated that in ensuring the effectiveness of assessment and evaluation practices, the priority is on teachers and educational practitioners. It can be said that the assessment and evaluation approach of both the 2018 Secondary Education Chemistry and Science Curricula are largely based on the alternative assessment and evaluation approach. This study investigates the level of self-efficacy of chemistry and science teachers towards alternative assessment and evaluation tools in terms of different variables. A total of 142 teachers, 97 female and 45 male, participated in the study. 32 of these teachers are chemistry teachers and 110 of them are science teachers. At the end of the study, it was determined that the teachers' self-efficacy levels for alternative assessment and evaluation tools were high. It has been revealed that the variables of gender, branch, and years of service do not have a significant effect on teachers' self-efficacy. In addition, it was concluded that the self-efficacy of teachers with doctoral education is higher than that of teachers with undergraduate and graduate degrees. Suggestions are provided at the end of the study.
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