
Physico-Chemical Analysis of Nutribar Incorporated with Legumes

Satyendra N. Shukla, Sandeep G.M. Prasad, Anamika Das, Prabhat Kiran Khatri,John David

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2023)

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The goal of the current study project was to prepare nutribars that contained varied amounts of legumes. to assess the sensory qualities of nutribar that contains beans. According to physico-chemical analysis, it was found that the T0 had the greatest average carbohydrate proportion at 67.70%, and T12 had the lowest average carbohydrate percentage at 63.94%. T12 had the highest average protein percentage (20.34%), whereas T0 had the lowest average protein percentage (16.14%). T12 had the greatest average fat percentage (7.68%) while T0 had the lowest average fat percentage (7.25%). The average ash percentage ranged from 1.14% in T0 to 1.95% in T12, with 1.95% being the highest number. The average total solid percentage ranged from 92.23% in T0 to 93.91% in T12, with 93.91% being the highest value. T0 had the greatest average crude fibre percentage at 8.99%, and T12 had the lowest average crude fibre percentage at 8.06%. T0 had the greatest average moisture percentage (7.77%) while T12 had the lowest average moisture percentage (6.09%). The average acidity percentage ranged from 0.10% in T0 to 0.30% in T12, with T12 having the highest value. The average antioxidant percentage ranged from 42.04% in T0 to 56.14% in T11 and T12, with 56.14% being the highest number. T12 had the highest average energy value (406.24 kcal), whereas T2 had the lowest average energy value (400.61 kcal).
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