
Survival of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in detached kiwifruit leaves at different environmental conditions


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Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae ( Psa ) is the causal agent of kiwifruit canker, a serious threat to commercial kiwifruit production worldwide. Studies of the movement path and the survival time of Psa in the host are crucial for integrated management programs. Hence, we used Psa with GFPuv gene ( Psa- GFPuv) strain to investigate the movement path of Psa in leaves and branches, and the survival time of Psa in leaves under different environmental conditions. We found that the pathogen Psa spread longitudinally in the branches and leaves rather than transverse path. Additionally, the survival time of bacteria in fallen leaves under different environmental conditions were simulated by the way of Psa infecting the detached kiwifruit leaves. Psa survives the longest, up to 43 days in detached kiwifruit leaves with high humidity (above 80%) at 5 °C, and up to 32 days with low humidity (20%). At 15 °C, the Psa can survive in detached kiwifruit leaves for 20–30 days with increasing humidity. At 25 °C, it can only survive for 3 days with low humidity (20%) and 15 days with high humidity (above 80%). Furthermore, the population growth experiments showed that bacterial growth of Psa was more favorable in detached kiwifruit leaves with above 80% humidity at 5 °C. These results suggest that the survival condition of Psa in detached kiwifruit leaves is significantly affected by environmental conditions, and provide the basis for the control timing and technology of kiwifruit canker.
kiwifruit leaves,environmental conditions,different environmental conditions
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