Conceptual principles of initiation library periodicals in ukraine

Bìblìotečnij Merkurìj(2023)

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Professional periodicals have always been an important element of both professional communication and the system of continuous education and professional development of library professionals. Until 1919, there was no periodical published in Ukraine, which would highlight the current issues of library affairs. In the 20s and 30s of the XX century a significant number of periodicals were published, which were partially or fully revealed various issues of library construction in Ukraine. It was during this period that there was a surge in the development of librarianship as a science. At the same time, it is a period of total centralization, ideologization, planning, propaganda, rejection of generally recognized international trends, and orientation only on internal socio-political processes. Library periodicals of the first two decades of the Soviet era functioned in extremely difficult conditions, but on the pages of the periodicals, despite strict censorship, Ukrainian librarians tried to maintain the best traditions of the periodicals of leading Western countries. For many years, neither the dissidents nor the Sixties movement, who tried to defend historical justice and restore the free development of Ukrainian culture, mercilessly criticizing Marxist-Leninist ideas and the entire Soviet system, failed to change the situation. The study of Ukrainian specialized periodicals, the identification of their defining role in the development of Ukrainian librarianship, permanent informational support of scientific research, promotion of the heritage of culture and science in Ukraine and the world are extremely relevant in scientific, theoretical and practical aspects.
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initiation library periodicals,ukraine
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