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Linking Water Use Efficiency with Water Use Strategy from Leaves to Communities

New phytologist(2023)

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Limitations and utility of three measures of water use characteristics were evaluated: water use efficiency (WUE), intrinsic WUE and marginal water cost of carbon gain ( ∂E/∂A ) estimated, respectively, as ratios of assimilation (A) to transpiration (E), of A to stomatal conductance (gs ) and of sensitivities of E and A with variation in gs . Only the measure ∂E/∂A estimates water use strategy in a way that integrates carbon gain relative to water use under varying environmental conditions across scales from leaves to communities. This insight provides updated and simplified ways of estimating ∂E/∂A and adds depth to understanding ways that plants balance water expenditure against carbon gain, uniquely providing a mechanistic means of predicting water use characteristics under changing environmental scenarios.
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