Empowering landowners to combat climate change: the economic case for forest carbon supply at the stand level

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of extending rotation at the stand level in private landowner of Eucalyptus globulus , Eucalyptus nitens and Pinus radiata established in contrasting productivity zones. The analysis also evaluates the impact of uncertainty in financial risk considering variations in the price per Mg of CO 2 stored, costs of silvicultural activities, wood products yield using the ad-hoc simulator growth model and the discount rate. Deterministic results show that lower productivity environment the rotation age can be extended 7 or more years in EUGL and 6 or more in EUNI, with respect to the 12-year baseline. Extending PIRA rotation age resulted in a negative CO 2 NPV, implying that a decision made at establishment to extend the harvest age beyond 22-years baseline will not increase financial returns, when aiming at potential payments for environmental services based on carbon storage. Sensitivity analysis shows that the uncertainties of the stored CO 2 price, pulpable product and discount rate are the main contributors to the total variance in the 13-year NPV of both Eucalyptus species. The uncertainty in price of captured CO 2 contributes more than 50% in either species, with pulpable product and discount rate contributing more than 16 and 4%, respectively.
forest carbon supply,landowners,climate change
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