Cold plasma modes in the chiral Maxwell-Carroll-Field-Jackiw electrodynamics

Physical review(2023)

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In this work, we study the propagation and absorption of plasma waves in the chiral Maxwell-Carroll-Field-Jackiw (MCJF) electrodynamics. The Maxwell equations are rewritten for a cold, uniform, and collisionless fluid plasma model, allowing us to determine the new refractive indices and propagating modes. The cases of propagation parallel and orthogonal to the magnetic field are examined considering a purely timelike CFJ background that plays the role of the magnetic conductivity chiral parameter. The collective electromagnetic modes are associated with four distinct refractive indices associated with right-circularly polarized and left-circularly polarized waves. For each index, the propagation and absorption zones are illustrated for some specific parameter values. In low-frequency regime, we have obtained modified helicons with right- and left-circularly polarizations. The optical behavior is investigated by means of the rotatory power (RP) and dichroism coefficient. The existence of a negative refraction zone enhances the rotatory power. It is also observed RP sign reversal, a feature of rotating plasmas.
cold plasma modes,maxwell-carroll-field-jackiw
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