
Quality Evaluation and Analysis of Force Signals in CFRP Helical Milling

Key Engineering Materials(2023)

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Nowadays, drilling is one of the most widespread operations due to the need to obtain holes for mechanical joints. This operation is particularly relevant in the aeronautical sector due to the high number of operations performed, the high demands and the use of materials that are difficult to machine. The use of materials that enhance aircraft performance, such as carbon fiber composites (CFRP), poses a challenge for axial drilling operations. The characteristics of these materials and typical defects such as delamination are difficult to control due to the axial forces produced during drilling operations. Therefore, more efficient alternatives are required. In this context, helical milling operations have advantages such as lower axial stress, higher flexibility, and higher efficiency in heat and chip evacuation that put it in the spotlight. In this work, research has been carried out in which helical milling operations have been performed on CFRP. The main objectives were the analysis of surface quality, delamination, tool wear and force analysis. For this purpose, a working methodology has been developed combining machining parameters that define the kinematics of the cutting process (cutting speed, axial feed rate, and tangential feed rate). Finally, this information has allowed finding a correlation between quality indicators such as delamination and the forces generated during the cutting process and associated with progressive tool wear. The results show that the force signal could be used for on-line monitoring of the machining process.
cfrp helical milling,helical milling,force signals
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