
Determination of Cardiac Output Based on Minimally Invasive Impedance Plethysmography in Various Healthy Subjects

Int J of Aquatic Science(2021)

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Impedance plethysmography is considered as one of the comprehensive and thelatest minimally invasive technique for measuring the blood flow in any section of thehuman body. In various studies it has been revealed that only the parameter of bloodpressure and heart rate is not enough for accessing the human’s state under hemodynamiccondition. Therefore, the measurement of cardiac output is being made by the proposedsimple strategy referred as impedance plethysmography that will help in accessing thefunctional status of cardiac muscle in avoiding the critical complications which is beingresulted from the ancient invasive measurement of blood flow. The main objective of thisproposed study is to determine the measurement of cardiac output in the non-invasivemanner of various healthy male subjects in 2 various age clusters using IPG andenumerate the comparison with the previous study utilizing the variant electrode placementstrategies.Additionally, the comparison over the cardiac parameters between the mentioned2 age clusters has been enumerated. Preceding over the study has been made in 2 clustersof age person with which one between (15-24) and the other between (25-34) years of ageeach of 9 healthy male subjects. The average value of Stroke Volume (SV) Mean value ±Standard Deviationis observed as 52.3±7.8 & 56.6±8.4, the resulted cardiac output is beingobserved to be as 5.07±0.8 & 4.9±0.67 and the resulted Cardiac Index (CI) is observed to beas 2.84±0.44 & 2.74±0.35 for the first and second chosen respective class of age groups.The IPG results are also being extracted with which the peak amplitude is measuredranging between the mean value of 2.10±0.54 & 2.50±0.45 volts respectively for therespective cluster of age groups. It is being observed that in both the cases p value is lessthan 0.004 and the correlation coefficient is approximately ranged around 0.35 betweenIPG and SV data. With the available selected data which is being acquired and processed itis inferred that the correlation of Cardiac output through the stroke volume is estimated bythe IPG waveform with adequate correlated value experimented with different malesubjects under healthy condition.
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