
Propuesta de metodología para el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la medicina natural y tradicional en Pediatría

Sandra García, Guillermo Luís Herrera Miranda, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Arencibia

Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río(2021)

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Introduction: the teaching-learning process of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the specialty of pediatrics at Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences, responds to the need of training healthcare professionals with a high scientific level. Objective: to formulate a methodology for the teaching-learning process of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the specialty of pediatrics, for the treatment of diseases in childhood. Methods: a developmental research was carried out, using theoretical and empirical methods. Results: the proposed methodology was structured in stages: planning and organization of the teaching-learning process of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the specialty of pediatrics, the implementation of the teaching-learning process of Natural and Traditional Medicine with the active participation of the residents in pediatrics and the control of the teaching-learning process for the mastering of Natural and Traditional Medicine, supported on the relations between professional competences and the structure of in-service education as a guiding method for the training of specialists in pediatrics, in order to promote and encourage the mastery of actions and operations in agreement with the mode of acting for the exercise of the profession, and as a result it can be materialized in a better professional performance. Conclusions: the implementation of the methodology will allow strengthening the professional performance of future pediatricians concerning the application of Natural and Traditional Medicine.
la medicina,el proceso,anza-aprendizaje
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