
Leis brasileiras e seus desdobramentos sociais em “o homem que sabia javanês”

Amanda Santos da Silveira Fernandes,Juracy Assmann Saraiva


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Resumo: O artigo focaliza estudos antropologicos e historicos que expoem uma conturbada relacao entre as leis brasileiras e as instituicoes que as deveriam fazer cumprir, identificando, nesse desajuste, origens da malandragem e da expressao autoritaria “sabe com quem esta falando?”, bem como suas consequencias. Para tanto, recorre a teoricos como Roberto Da Matta (1979), James Holston (2013), Heloisa Starling e Lilia Schwarcz (2015) e, com base em seus argumentos, busca apreender praticas culturais expressas em “O homem que sabia javanes”, de Lima Barreto. O artigo recupera a critica social instituida no conto, que evidencia a naturalizacao da malandragem e a permissividade moral da sociedade brasileira em relacao a individuos que assumem encargos sociais sem, contudo, estarem devidamente capacitados para tal. Estabelece, ainda, os vinculos desse comportamento com a fragil relacao do Estado com as leis, particularmente devido ao descaso com a inclusao dos cidadaos, e situa suas origens no periodo colonial brasileiro. Por meio da leitura, o artigo reafirma a finalidade social da literatura, ao evidenciar que o conto denuncia o desregramento da sociedade e seus impasses morais. Palavras-chave: Cultura; Literatura; Sociedade; Malandragem. Abstract: The article focuses anthropological and historical studies that expose the troubled relationship between Brazilian laws and the institutions that should enforce them, identifying, in this disagreement, the origins of trickery and of the authoritarian expression “do you know who you are talking to?”, as well as its consequences. For this, it uses theorists such as Roberto Da Matta (1979), James Holston (2013) Heloisa Starling and Lilia Schwarcz (2015) and, based on their arguments, tries to apprehend cultural practices, expressed in “The man who knew Javanese”, by Lima Barreto. The article recovers the social criticism instituted in the short story, which highlights the naturalization of trickery and the moral permissiveness of Brazilian society in relation to individuals who assume social positions without, however, being properly trained to do so. It also establishes the links of this behavior with the fragile relationship of the State with laws, particularly due to the neglect with the inclusion of citizens and situates its origins in the Brazilian colonial period. Through reading, the article reaffirms the social purpose of literature, by showing that the story denounces the unrest of society and its moral impasses. Keywords: Culture; Literature; Society; Trickery.
homem que sabia javanês”,seus desdobramentos
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