
Functioning Earth Observations to Monitor the Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Egypt

Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS Based on an Innovative Vision(2023)

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Human-driven Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the most significant contributor to climate change. World countries and Egypt are moving towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030, and 2050, to reach Net-Zero emissions. This research assesses and monitors the GHGs emissions induced by human activities in Egypt based on satellite observations. Multiple-satellite sensors (OCO2, MODIS, and AIRS) were utilized in this study to obtain Methane (CH4), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), air temperature, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data during 2016–2021. To get a deeper insight into the effects of anthropogenic activities on GHGs, temperature, and NDVI were correlated with the GHGs to investigate their effect on the emissions. Results revealed a noticeable increase in CH4 and CO2 emissions over the country, particularly in the Nile Delta, since 2016, with a maximum value in 2021. CO2 concentration was higher in summer, which is characterized by high anthropogenic activities and temperature than in winter, reaching a peak of 0.000417 CO2/mol dry-air in 2021. While, high CH4 concentration fluctuates all the year-round, with a peak of 1902.59 ppbv in 2021. However, the GHGs increase the air temperature, the vegetation cover can play a role to cool the air and absorb excess CO2. As the NDVI has a negative correlation with temperature (R = −0.7). In conclusion, unmanaged human activities in Egypt increased GHGs release and affected environmental sustainability. This study attempts to better understand the ambient environment in Egypt and support the decision-makers with full insight into the GHG emission hotspots in the country to mitigate their release into the atmosphere and achieve Net-Zero emissions.
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