
Efficiency of Spinetoram on Biological, Biochemical, and Histological Parameters in the Invasive Fall Armyworm Spodoptera Frugiperda (lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Egypt

Journal of plant diseases and protection(2023)

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Food security, mediated by agricultural pests, puts the world at stake. Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda , is an invasive polyphagous pest that recently made problems worse. The current study inspects the potency of spinetoram in FAW control programs. Spinetoram is a biocide derived from spinosyns created by soil bacteria, actinomycete Saccharopolyspora spinosa . The susceptibility of S. frugiperda 4th instar larvae against spinetoram was evaluated. Biological impacts on consecutive S. frugiperda stages and related biochemical disturbances following treatment with spinetoram were assessed. The results revealed the high toxicity of spinetoram against S. frugiperda larvae. Larval and pupal growth slowing, increasing mortality rates, adult malformation, fecundity suppression, and hatchability reduction were the most remarkable biological influences after treatment. Spinetoram application caused disruptions in total carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and digestive enzymes. Moreover, significant elevations in acetylcholinesterase, α -esterase, β -esterase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, phenoloxidase, and chitinases were monitored. Spinetoram also resulted in severe histological damage of the midgut characterized by necrosis and sloughing of the epithelial lining, in addition to cytoplasmic vacuolization. The results confirmed the hypothesized potency of spinetoram against S. frugiperda and paved the road to adopting the application of this eco-friendly biocide in FAW control programs.
Fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda,Spinetoram,Biocontrol
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