
Effect of Heat Treatment on Power Frequency Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Properties of Polylactic Acid

2022 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications (ICHVE)(2022)

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With the rapid development of green power grid, polylactic acid (PLA), a biodegradable material, is the basis and forerunner of high and new technology, and has a broad application prospect in power system. In this paper, the effects of thermal aging at 60°C on the electrical and dielectric properties of polylactic acid (PLA) were studied based on the application scenarios of PLA. The polylactic acid after drying was placed in a constant temperature aging chamber, and its macroscopic properties were measured by sampling every other day. It was found that the power strobe flashover voltage of PLA showed a significant rising trend with the increase of heat treatment time, and the breakdown voltage increased by 48% after heat treatment. The relative dielectric constant first increased and then decreased, and the dielectric loss did not change significantly. In this paper, molecular dynamics simulation analysis showed that the -OH and C=C functional groups in the molecular structure of PLA decreased after heat treatment, while C=O increased significantly. It is also found that the increase of the lowest-occupied molecular orbital-highest occupied molecular orbital (LUMO-HOMO) horizontal gap from 12.93 eV to 13.80 eV leads to a significant increase in the breakdown voltage of PLA materials. This study will provide theoretical basis for the application of PLA in complex power grid conditions.
biodegradable materials,breakdown voltage,dielectric constant,dielectric loss,drying,heat treatment,lowest-occupied molecular orbital-highest occupied molecular orbital,molecular dynamics simulation,molecular structure,polylactic acid,power grid,power strobe flashover voltage,temperature 60.0 degC,thermal aging chamber
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