Dynamic Monitoring of Surface Water Bodies and Their Influencing Factors in the Yellow River Basin

Remote Sensing(2023)

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Surface water bodies exhibit dynamic characteristics, undergoing variations in size, shape, and flow patterns over time due to numerous natural and human factors. The monitoring of spatial-temporal changes in surface water bodies is crucial for the sustainable development and efficient utilization of water resources. In this study, Landsat series images on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, along with the HydroLAKES and China Reservoir datasets, were utilized to establish an extraction process for surface water bodies from 1986 to 2021 in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). The study aims to investigate the dynamics of surface water bodies and the driving factors within the YRB. The findings reveal an overall expansion tendency of surface water bodies in the YRB between 1986 and 2021. In the YRB, the total area of surface water bodies, natural lakes, and artificial reservoirs increased by 2983.8 km2 (40.4%), 281.1 km2 (11.5%), and 1017.6 km2 (101.7%), respectively. A total of 102 natural lakes expanded, while 23 shrank. Regarding artificial reservoirs, 204 expanded, and 77 shrank. The factors that contributed most to the increase in the surface water bodies were increasing precipitation and reservoir construction, whose contribution rates could reach 47% and 32.6%, respectively. Additionally, the rising temperatures melted permafrost, ice, and snow, positively correlating with water expansion in the upper reaches of the YRB, particularly natural lakes.
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surface water bodies, natural lakes, artificial reservoirs, the Yellow River Basin, GEE platform
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