
Experimental Study on Equilibrium Initiation and Extension of Multiple Clusters of Fractures Based on True Triaxial Physical Simulation

Journal of natural gas geoscience(2023)

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In the context of tight sandstone reservoirs in the Ordos Basin characterized by compact and heterogeneous rock formations, conventional fracturing techniques yield monolithic fracture shapes, rendering 3D reservoir reconstruction unattainable. This study investigates the principles governing balanced initiation and propagation of fractures in multi-cluster fracturing within unconventional fracturing technology. Employing a large-scale true triaxial simulation experiment system, we utilize the dimensional analysis method (π theorem) to design a physical simulation experiment similarity criterion. Through various experimental adjustments involving proportioning, curing, and mechanical testing, we generate an artificially cured rock mass with mechanical parameters akin to the target layer. The rock mass is maintained at a size of 30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm. Systematic physical simulation experiments on unconventional volume fracturing are carried out using the 30 cm-sized dense sandstone outcrop rock mass. Taking the conventional fracturing technology as a reference and manipulating experimental conditions and design parameters, we simulate the non-equilibrium initiation and extension behaviors of fracturing fractures under five unconventional volume fracturing technologies, namely hydraulic pulse pretreatment, temporary plugging between clusters, flow-limiting method, cyclic loading and unloading, and pulse intermittent fracturing. Through this, we elucidate the non-equilibrium initiation and extension laws governing multi-cluster fractures. Comparative analysis with conventional fracturing, known for inducing stress interference on fractures and inhibiting their expansion, revels that the five unconventional volume fracturing techniques mitigate stress interference in multi-cluster fracturing. This promotes uniform fracture initiation and expansion, facilitating the creation of complex fractures and larger reconstructed volumes. Among these techniques, inter-cluster block fracturing stands out for its exceptional ability to generate complex fracture networks. The research culminates in the development and refinement of a balanced fracture and extension control technique tailored for multiple cluster fractures in bulk fracturing. This technique significantly contributes to enhancing the degree of 3D reconstruction achievable in unconventional tight oil and gas reservoirs.
True triaxial,Similarity criterion,Temporary blocking,Multiple clusters of fractures,Balanced fracture initiation and expansion
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