
Collaborative Passenger Flow Control Optimization of Urban Rail Transit Network Based on Sliding Window Mechanism

Applied mathematical modelling(2023)

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In order to enhance the operational performance of urban rail transit networks under overloaded conditions, this study proposes a novel network-level collaborative passenger flow strategy based on a sliding window mechanism. The main idea is to categorize arriving passengers at stations into different groups using variable-length windows and allocate them to specific trains. With the aim of minimizing the total passenger extra waiting time under cost budget, we establish a mixed integer programming model with sliding window constraints, flow distribution constraints, and node flow constraints to build the optimal matching relation between passenger flow demands and transportation resources. Specifically, the model incorporates precise quantity constraints related to transfers, facilitating the accurate quantification of both internal and external demands of network passenger flow. Then we use logical constraint transformation and linearization techniques to enable the model to be solved directly by commercial optimization solvers. For large-scale problems, we adopt a rolling horizon approach to improve computing efficiency. To validate the effectiveness of the sliding-window based passenger control method, we conduct case studies including a small designed example and real-world research on the Beijing Subway network. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model assists managers in developing flexible and accurate network-level collaborative passenger flow control schemes.
Urban rail transit network,Passenger flow control,Resource allocation,Sliding window,Rolling horizon approach
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