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The Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to a Functional Equation Arising in Psychological Learning Theory


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The paradigm of choice practice represents the psychological theory of learning in the development of moral judgment. It is concerned with evaluating the implications of several choices and selecting one of them to implement. The goal of this work is to provide a generic functional equation to observe the behavior of animals in such circumstances. Our suggested functional equation can be employed to describe several well-known psychology and learning theories. The fixed point theorem proposed by Banach is utilized to show that the solution of a given functional problem exists and is unique. In addition, the stability of the given functional equation's solution is discussed in terms of the Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias results. Furthermore, two examples are provided to highlight the relevance of the significant outcomes in the context of the literature.
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fixed points,functional equation,stability
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