
Towards precision medicine in migraine: Recent therapeutic advances and potential biomarkers to understand heterogeneity and treatment response

Pharmacology & therapeutics(2023)

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After 35 years since the introduction of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD), we are liv-ing in the era of the second great revolution in migraine therapies. First, discoveries of triptans provided a break-through in acute migraine treatment utilizing bench-to-bedside research results on the role of serotonin in migraine. Next, the discovery of the role of neuropeptides, more specifically calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in migraine attack led to the development of anti-CGRP therapies that are effective both in acute and preventive treatment, and are also able to reduce migraine-related burden. Here, we reviewed the most recent clinical studies and real-world data on available migraine-specific medications, including triptans, ditants, gepants and anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies. Novel drug targets, such as PACAP and amylins were also dis-cussed. To address the main challenges of migraine therapy, the high heterogeneity of people with migraine, the prevalent presence of various comorbid disorders, and the insufficient medical care of migraine patients were covered. Promising novel approaches from the fields of omics, blood and saliva biomarker, imaging and provocation studies might bring solutions for these challenges with the potential to identify further drug targets, distinguish more homogeneous patient subgroups, contribute to more optimal drug selection strategies, and de-tect biomarkers in association with headache features or predicting treatment efficacy. In the future, the com-bined analysis of data of different biomarker modalities with machine learning algorithms may serve precision medicine in migraine treatment. (c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
Migraine,Therapy,CGRP,Pharmacological,Precision medicine
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