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The Influence of Abiotic Factors on Organisms-Hydrobionts of Activated Sludge

Shynar Baimukasheva,Akmaral U. Issayeva,Wojciech Antkowiak,Ainazhan Aitimova, Zhansaule Altybayeva,Samal Syrlybekkyzy, Botagoz Suleimenova, Akmaral Koishina

Journal of Ecological Engineering(2023)

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Rational use of water resources is one of the urgent problems for arid regions of Kazakhstan. The biocenosis of activated sludge of urban wastewater treatment plants in Zhanaozen periodically encounters stressful situations associated with violation of the operating mode of equipment or emergency discharges of toxicants into the wastewater treatment plant system. It has been established that with sharp fluctuations in the physicochemical parameters of aqueous solutions, protozoal organisms are primarily eliminated from the composition of activated sludge. This pattern was noted with an increase in the content of ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, monoethanolamine and pH fluctuations in wastewater. Under the conditions of a 10-month period of active insolation in Western Kazakhstan, the species diversity of the algoflora of activated sludge correlates with the duration of daylight hours; it was found that diatoms predominate in the autumn-winter period of the year, whereas blue-green and green algae predominate in the spring-summer period.
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Key words
activated sludge,hydrobiont organisms,pH,light mode,ammonium nitrogen,phosphorus,monoethanolamine
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