Age-related changes in the temporal structure of song in the common rosefinch Erythrina erythrina

Ornithology Research(2023)

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Bird species that have visual differences in plumage coloration between young and older males may also differ in their song parameters. We have studied the difference in song rate between yearlings vs. older males in the common rosefinch Erythrina erythrina, a species with delayed plumage maturation. Yearlings sang 2.3 more strophes per minute compared to older males, and the breaks between strophes were 1.3 s shorter in young males. The higher singing rate of yearling males is probably a form of compensation for lower age (male quality), which may be important in finding a mate or avoiding aggression from older males.
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Key words
Age,Bird song,Delayed plumage maturation,Mate attraction,Song rate
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