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Waves in a Stochastic Cell Motility Model


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In Bhattacharya et al. (Sci Adv 6(32):7682, 2020), a set of chemical reactions involved in the dynamics of actin waves in cells was studied at two levels. The microscopic level, where the individual chemical reactions are directly modelled using Gillespie-type algorithms, and on a macroscopic level where a deterministic reaction-diffusion equation arises as the large-scale limit of the underlying chemical reactions. In this work, we derive, and subsequently study, the related mesoscopic stochastic reaction-diffusion system, or chemical Langevin equation, that arises from the same set of chemical reactions. We explain how the stochastic patterns that arise from this equation can be used to understand the experimentally observed dynamics from Bhattacharya et al. In particular, we argue that the mesoscopic stochastic model better captures the microscopic behaviour than the deterministic reaction-diffusion equation, while being more amenable for mathematical analysis and numerical simulations than the microscopic model.
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Gillespie algorithms,Cell motility,Mesoscopic patterns,SPDEs,Chemical Langevin equation
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