
Mesozooplankton distribution and diversity from the Bering Sea shelf to the Chukchi Sea

Advances in Polar Science(2023)

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In recent decades,environmental changes in the Arctic have aroused widespread concern around the world.To better understand ecology issues such as ecosystem dynamics,the Arctic and the subarctic regions were integrated as the"pan-Arctic"region.In this study,mesozooplankton were sampled from the Bering Sea shelf to the northern Chukchi Sea during the 10th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2019.Based on the species composition and abundance,three geographical communities were identified:the Bering Sea shelf community(BSS),the Bering Strait transitional community(BST),and the Chukchi Sea shelf community(CSS).The BSS was characterized by Bering Sea oceanic species such as Eucalanus bungii;the BST was mainly composed of the pan-Arctic distributed Calanus glacialis,meroplankton of benthos,and neritic species such as Centropages abdominalis;copepods,especially the copepodite of C.glacialis,were predominant in the CSS community.The BSS community structure was strongly affected by the inflow of Bering Shelf Water,while those of BST and CSS were determined by the recruitment of local species.The zooplankton community structure is influenced by both advection and environmental changes such as warming and a prolonged productivity period.Here,it was difficult to distinguish the changes induced by climate change from the effects of the Bering Sea Water.The key to solving this problem is the accumulation of comparable data,which requires continuous monitoring of key species such as C.glacialis and Calanus hyperboreus.
Mesozooplankton,Bering Sea shelf,Bering Strait,Chukchi Sea,geographical distribution,community structure,population recruitment,climate change
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